Exam 1z0-1067-24 Overview - New 1z0-1067-24 Exam Fee
Exam 1z0-1067-24 Overview - New 1z0-1067-24 Exam Fee
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The SurePassExams is one of the top-rated and leading platforms that offer real and exam trainers verified Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024Cloud Operations Professional 1z0-1067-24 practice test questions. These Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024Cloud Operations Professional 1z0-1067-24 exam questions are designed after deep research and verified by qualified Oracle 1z0-1067-24 exam preparation experts. So rest assured that you will get the top-notch SurePassExams 1z0-1067-24 exam questions. These SurePassExams 1z0-1067-24 exam questions are the ideal Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024Cloud Operations Professional 1z0-1067-24 exam preparation material that will prepare you to perform well for the final Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024Cloud Operations Professional 1z0-1067-24 Certification Exam. So rest assured that with the SurePassExams 1z0-1067-24 exam questions you will get everything that is necessary for 1z0-1067-24 exam preparation and success. Take a decision right now and just get registered in Oracle 1z0-1067-24 certification exam and start preparation with SurePassExams 1z0-1067-24 exam questions. The SurePassExams is committed since the beginning to offer the top-notch Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024Cloud Operations Professional 1z0-1067-24 exam questions to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024Cloud Operations Professional 1z0-1067-24 exam candidates.
Oracle 1z0-1067-24 Exam Syllabus Topics:
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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024Cloud Operations Professional Sample Questions (Q77-Q82):
Your company hosts a web application on OCI using compute instances and block volumes. To minimize your recovery point objective (RPO), you enable cross-region block volume replication for the block volumes.
Which option is true regarding cross-region volume replication?
- A. The replica cannot be directly mounted on a compute instance. Instead, it must be activated, creating a clone that will be available for mounting.
- B. Replication is synchronous, so it may slightly degrade block volume performance.
- C. The cost of the replica matches the cost of the source volume; for example, the replica of a high- performance volume will be billed at the high-performance rate.
- D. Replication replaces the need for block volume backups.
Answer: A
Scenario: 3 (Use the OCI CLI to Work with Object Storage from a Compute Instance) Scenario Description: (Hands-On Performance Exam Certification) Your company runs a web application in OCI that generates log files. You want to upload these files to OCI Object Storage to meet data retention requirements. Some files need to be retained indefinitely, whereas others can be deleted after 30 days. Use the OCI CLI to create bucket and upload the log directory and create a lifecycle policy rule to delete temporary files after 30 days.
To fulfill this requirement, you are provided with the following:
Access to an OCI tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials
A compute instance with OCI CLI installed and a set of files in ~/dir_to_upload to use Access to the OCI Console Required IAM policies Assumptions:
Perform the tasks by using the OCI CLI on the compute instance.
Use instance principal authentication for all CLI commands; the instance has been given the policies necessary.
Connect to the compute instance using Cloud Shell's private networking and the provided SSH key.
An SSH key pair has been provided to you for the compute instance.
Private Key https://objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/n/tenancyname/b/PBT_Storage/o/PKey.key Note: Throughout your exam, ensure to use assigned Compartment , User Name and Region.
Complete the following tasks in the provisioned OCI environment:
Task 1: Create a Bucket in Object Storage
Task 2: Upload a Directory's Contents to Object Storage
Task 3: Add a Lifecycle Policy to the Bucket
See the solution below with Step by Step Explanation
Task 1: Create a Bucket in Object Storage
Create a bucket named CloudOpsBucket_<user id> with the following properties:
Storage tier: Standard
Auto-tiering: Disabled
Object versioning: Enabled
Emit events: Disabled
Keys: Oracle-managed
Visibility: Private
Task 2: Upload a Directory's Contents to Object Storage
Upload the contents of the directory ~/dir_to_upload and its subdirectories to the bucket CloudOpsBucket Task 3: Add a Lifecycle Policy to the Bucket Create a lifecycle policy rule that deletes all files from ~/dir_to_upload/temp after 30 days Task 1: Create a bucket in Object Storage
1. Open Cloud Shell in the console. Under Network along the top, select Ephemeral Private Network Setup.
2. Select the subnet of the compute instance.
3. SSH into the compute instance using the provided SSH key:
ssh -i /path/to/key opc@<private_ip>
4. In the compute instance, create the bucket with the following command (note that it's one long line):
oci os bucket create -c "<compartment_id>" --name "CloudOpsBucket" --auth instance_principal --versioning 'Enabled' Task 2: Upload a directory's contents to Object Storage
1. Upload the contents of the specified directory and subdirectories with the following command (note that it's one long line):
oci os object bulk-upload -bn "CloudOpsBucket" --src-dir "~/dir_to_upload" --auth instance_principal Task 3: Add a lifecycle policy to the bucket
1. Create a file named rule.json
2. Add the following content to rule.json:
{"items": [{"action": "DELETE","is-enabled": true,"name": "Delete-Rule","object-name-filter": {"exclusion-patterns": null,"inclusion-patterns": null,"inclusion-prefixes": ["temp/"]},"target": "objects","time-amount": 30,"time-unit": "DAYS"}]}
3. Add the lifecycle policy rule with the following command:
oci os object-lifecycle-policy put -bn "CloudOpsBucket" --from-json file://rule.json --auth instance_principal Top of Form
You have a web application that is running on compute instances distributed across an availability domain's fault domains. To share state, instances of the application need to read and write to a shared file system that supports concurrent access from multiple instances.
Which two can help fulfill this technical requirement?
- A. Attach a single block volume in read/write shared mode to alt the instances. Use a cluster aware system such as Oracle Cluster File System version 2 (OCFS2) to coordinate access to the shared volume.
- B. Attach a block volume to each instance. Enable replication between the block volumes.
- C. Attach a single block volume in read/write shared mode to all the instances. Enable the cluster plug-in on the Oracle Cloud Agent to coordinate access to the shared volume.
- D. Create a file system in the File Storage service. Create a mount target and export the file system. Mount the export onto all of the instances.
Answer: A,D
You are using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Command Line Interface to launch a Linux virtual machine. You enter the following command (with correct values for all parameters):
The command fails. Which is NOT a valid parameter in this command? (Choose the best answer.)
- A. "-c <compartment_id>"
- B. "--shape <shape_name>"
- C. "--image-id <image_id>"
- D. "--subnet-id <subnet_id>"
- E. "-t <tenancy_id>"
Answer: E
You launched a Linux compute instance to host the new version of your company website via Apache Httpd server on HTTPS (port 443). The instance is created in a public subnet along with other instances. The default security list associated to the subnet is:
- A. You want to allow access to the company website from public internet without exposing websites eventually hosted on the other instances in the public subnet. Which action would you take to accomplish the task? (Choose the best answer.)
- B. Create an NSG, add a stateful rule to allow ingress access on port 443, and associate it with the public subnet that hosts the company website.
- C. Create a Network Security Group (NSG), add a stateful rule to allow ingress access on port 443, and associate it with the instance that hosts the company website.
- D. In the default security list, add a stateful rule to allow ingress access on port 443.Create a new security list with a stateful rule to allow ingress access on port 443 and associate it with the public subnet.
Answer: C
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